AppCode Contribution Guide

Contribute and help us stay up-to-date. Edit this page on GitHub.

AppCode is a popular web development website that contains references, tutorials, and other materials on web development and its languages. You can contribute to the AppCode community by sharing your knowledge and expertise through the website.

If you are interested in contributing to the AppCode website, here are some steps you can follow:

The first step is to visit the AppCode website and explore the different sections of the website. This will help you get a better understanding of the content that is already available and the topics that are covered. You can use the search to find topics based on the keywords you provide.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the AppCode website, you can choose a topic or existing page that you would like to write about or update. AppCode covers a wide range of topics on web development, so there are many areas where you can contribute. Some popular topics include:

  • HTML & CSS: Basics and advanced concepts
  • Responsive design and mobile-first development
  • CSS, Python, JavaScript, HTML references
  • Tutorials, References, and Specifications
  • Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks
  • JavaScript: Basics and advanced concepts
  • React, Angular, and Vue: Popular JavaScript frameworks
  • Node.js and Express: Server-side JavaScript development
  • RESTful API design and development
  • Web security: Best practices for securing web applications
  • Performance optimization: Techniques for improving website speed
  • Testing and debugging web applications
  • Version control and collaboration with Git and repositories
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Designing and developing web apps that feel like native apps
  • Web animation: Techniques and libraries for adding animations to web pages
  • Serverless architecture and cloud computing for web development
  • E-commerce web development and payment gateway integration

Once you have chosen a topic, you can start writing your content. You can use any text editor or IDE to write your content, but it is recommended that text, code snippets, and examples are formatted correctly in Markdown.

You can learn more about how we use Markdown to create documents on AppCode here.

When writing your content, make sure that it is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points / lists, and code blocks to organize your content and make it easier to read.

Markdown is a simple markup language that allows you to create formatted text using plain text syntax. To create your content in Markdown, you can use any text editor, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Sublime Text.

When writing your content, make sure to follow the Markdown syntax rules to ensure that your text is formatted correctly. You can find a comprehensive guide to Markdown syntax on the Markdown Guide website and the one provided on AppCode.

The next step is to fork the repository where you want to contribute your content. To do this, go to the repository on GitHub and click on the “Fork” button in the top-right corner of the page. This will create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

After forking the repository, you need to create a new branch for your changes. This will help you keep your changes separate from the main branch and make it easier to submit your changes as a pull request.

To create a new branch, go to the repository in your GitHub account and click on the “Branch: main” button. Then, type in a name for your new branch and click on the “Create branch” button.

In your new branch, create a new Markdown file for your content. You can do this by clicking on the “Add file” button and selecting “Create new file”. Make sure to give your Markdown file a descriptive name that reflects the content that it contains.

Open the new Markdown file in your text editor and write your content using Markdown syntax. Make sure to follow the syntax rules and use formatting such as headings, lists, and code blocks to make your content easy to read and understand.

After you have finished writing your content, save the Markdown file and commit your changes to your branch. To do this, go to the repository on GitHub and click on the “Compare & pull request” button. This will take you to a page where you can review your changes and create a pull request.

On the pull request page, make sure that your changes are being made from your new branch to the main branch of the repository. Give your pull request a descriptive title and provide a brief description of the changes that you have made. You can read how to create a pull request on GitHub here.

After you have created your pull request, the repository owner will review your changes and provide feedback. You may need to make additional changes or updates based on their feedback before your changes are accepted and merged into the main branch of the repository.

Once you have submitted your content, you will need to wait for feedback from the AppCode team. They will review your content and provide feedback on any changes that need to be made. Make sure to address any feedback promptly and resubmit your content for review.

After your content in the pull request has been reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the master content branch and published on the AppCode website after some checks and formating tasks are ran. Your ontribution will be acknowledged by the AppCode community by linking to your Github profile in several locations, including the Markdown file that was created or edited.

Contributing to the AppCode website is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with web development community. By following the steps outlined above, you can write and submit high-quality content that will help other developers improve their skills and build better apps and websites.