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How To Change Text Color on Hover With jQuery

How To Change Text Color on Hover With jQuery

This article demonstrates how to change the text color during hover with jQuery. Included are usable example code and a CDN link for jQuery. This article was first seen on and republished from HTML The HTML provided below constructs…

How To Hide Placeholder Text on Focus With CSS

How To Hide Placeholder Text On Focus With CSS

This article demonstrates how to hide the placeholder text in an HTML input during cursor focus. This can be created using only using CSS. This article was first seen on and republished from Here is an example of an…

How to use Tilt.js Javascript Library

How to use Tilt.js Javascript Library

Tilt.js is a lightweight parallax hover tilt effect addon for jQuery. It uses the requestAnimationFrame with over 60+ fps. No CSS is needed. This article was first seen on and republished from Basic Usage This example provides a basic…

ASP.NET vs PHP – Complete Comparisons

ASP.NET vs PHP – Complete Comparisons

This article was written on the differences between vs PHP. It covers time to development, cost, hardware, speed, and much more. This article was first seen on and republished from These are my analyses, made in 2011, on…

How to Create a jQuery Ajax Contact Form in PHP

jQuery Ajax Contact Form in PHP

This is a simple contact form made in PHP with JQuery Ajax. Using Ajax we can avoid using a submit where you don’t want to refresh the page. This article was first seen and republished from Using jQuery Ajax…

CSS Image Galleries

CSS Image Gallery Examples and Code

Image galleries offer a helpful method for displaying a selection of excellent pictures. To make it simpler for visitors to view website photographs, developers use image galleries to show images in a grid-like style. Including high-quality images on your website…

CSS Spinner Animations

CSS Spinner Animation Examples and Code

This article demonstrates CSS spinner animations, what they are, how to make one, adding different effects, other spinner examples, and FAQs. Adding and using CSS spinner animations can increase the engagement levels of users on a website or app. Whenever…

CSS Loader Animations

CSS Loader Animation Examples and Code

This article demonstrates what a CSS loader animation is, how to create a loader, and where it should be included, with multiple examples. The examples near the end of the article will consist of other loaders authors have built on…

CSS Chat Boxes

CSS Chat Box Examples and Code

This article demonstrates CSS chat boxes, definitions, walk-throughs, code examples, FAQs, and other chat-related developer information. The chat box is a messaging interface that allows two or more people to exchange messages. The chat box is trendy and can be…

15 CSS Glassmorphism Examples and Code

CSS Glassmorphism Examples and Code

CSS Glassmorphism is a design technique that creates blurred elements allowing the background to be seen. This employs the use of using transparent HTML elements and a CSS blur effect. This can be achieved by using the CSS box-shadow and…